Friday, August 6, 2010

Is there such a thing as a free lunch?

Elena and I believe that one of the reasons why cats and dogs reach such high population numbers is because they are indirectly fed by humans (in a sense, subsidized). In Valdivia, we often see cats and dogs reaching into people´s garbage bags, ripping them open. We have asked different municipalities here whether they have an estimate on how much it costs to clean-up after free-roaming cats and dogs and assess whether it would be better to avoid/reduce those costs by implementing a better garbage disposal container and more regular garbage pick-up? Unfortunately, we have not yet received an answer. Is this issue of cats and dogs feeding from garbage “normal”? What do you think?

Based on this sign, which states "NO BOTE BASURA...DEMUESTRE CULTURA" , which translates to “do not throw garbage out – respect your culture”, someone wanted to make a difference and tell people to improve their garbage disposal customs. We are not sure that this sign has been entirely effective. Any comments?

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